What's In The Box? December | ZampleBox
December is here, and we've tasted and enjoyed a sampling of some of the great bottles that are headed your way this month in ZampleBox. As of this writing, you can still add these eliquids to your box! So check out the pages for these fine juices and maybe add one or two of 'em to your box to try this month!
CCD3 by Charlie's Chalk Dust
Caramel-y with a delicious, light sea-saltiness that cuts through the sweetness to give it excellent legs. If you like caramel and desert flavors, this'll be perfect for you. It's a 70/30 blend, so it's gonna be good in a lot of different devices.
Cumulus by Vape Storm
Peach tops a lineup of a lot of bright, fruity flavors, but there's a hint of creaminess here that keeps it from getting too sticky. It's well balanced, and we definitely could and will vape this all day.
Pancake by Gost
It's like vaping the essence of IHOP. It's not overly sweet, but it does have a nice buttery syrup-y-ness that would be oh so nice with a cup of coffee in the morning. We could see this being really nice with some holiday eggnog.
Orange by Marmalade
This one hits pretty hard with a nice orange right at the front. Have some chocolate with this goodness.
So there you have it.
That's just a small sampling of the many great ejuices that are headed out this month in ZampleBox.

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Watch Video HereVaping, or electronic cigarettes, have been in production for about 14 years but ma
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