
Debunking the Most Common Vaping Myths

Debunking the Most Common Vaping Myths


Vapers are hit every day with a bunch of information that can be hard to verify.

That’s why the community is continuously under fire; opponents from all sides of the political spectrum fight to get rid of vaping, even to the detriment of traditional smokers who are trying to quit. They put out a bunch of studies that propagate myths that simply aren’t true.

We know you want the truth. Even more than that, you want evidence that backs up your truth. So we took some time to combat five of the most common myths about vaping. Strap in kids, we’re going for a ride.

Does E-Cig Vapor Contain Formaldehyde?

The most damaging myth that comes from vape studies, specifically the one that was published by the New England Journal of Medicine, is that e-cig vapor contains formaldehyde. This has long been a debunked myth in the vaping community, but maybe you have questions. If you do, you’re not alone, and you’re in the right place.

We have done extensive research on this subject and found something that’s a little surprising. The study’s researchers failed to disclose the fact that they used an obsolete cartomizer and coil that people in the vaping community no longer use. Funny how they could only get results using a device that people no longer use, right?

Do E-Cigs Have Ten Times The Amount of Carcinogens As Cigarettes?

This is a big one, the fact that some studies say that cancer has ten times the amount of carcinogens as traditional tobacco cigarettes. Again, this study has been proven false because the Japanese study that is responsible for this claim has been debunked.

The study in question didn't actually cite reputable sources; it also did not initially claim that the study found that carcinogens were found in e-cigs. In fact, the UK National Health Service actually came out in 2017 and said that e-cigs were “far safer"" than smoking traditional cigarettes.

Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?

Vaping does not cause popcorn lung, no matter how many so-called scientific studies claim that it does. This particular study, which was taken on by Harvard University, only stated that the relationship should be explored in further research.

Just in case you’re wondering, many reputable e-liquid companies do not use diacetyl, the ingredient that actually causes popcorn lung when exposed to people for extended periods of time. It’s just a matter of fact. Call your local shop and ask which bottles of e-liquid actually contain the substance, because most don’t. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

It’s also worth mentioning that diacetyl can also be found in traditional cigarettes in much higher concentrations than it has been found in e-juice. To date, there have been zero instances of cigarette smokers being diagnosed with popcorn lung. We believe that these articles are little more than a scaremongering tactic put forth by opponents of vaping.

Does E-Liquid Contain Antifreeze?

Propylene glycol is the main culprit behind this myth.We’re sure you’ve seen the scary looking graphics circulated online where big bold letters tell you that eliquid contains ingredients found in antifreeze. People tend to infer from these types of graphics that because propylene glycol is an ingredient present in antifreeze, that the ingredient must be toxic. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Propylene glycol, (or PG, as it is commonly called), is actually safe for human consumption. PG has been used in everyday items for over 50 years. You can find PG in everything from asthma inhalers to cosmetics products. You can even find it in some pre-packaged food items. This is another silly myth that has been propagated by vaping opponents despite its extremely flawed premise.

Does Nicotine Cause Cancer?

This is another one of those ridiculous myths out there that suggests that just because an ingredient is present in a product that has been known to cause cancer, that it must cause cancer itself. Are you seeing a trend here?

The truth is that nicotine does not cause cancer. Tobacco products cause cancer, but nicotine does not. It’s the other ingredients in tobacco such as tar and other various carcinogens that are the cancer causing culprits. E-liquids are synthetically made in labs by companies that don’t use the naturally-occurring nicotine found in tobacco leaves, so risk of cancer derived from nicotine found in e-liquid is completely undocumented and unfounded.

So there you have it: the five most common myths about vaping. Now that you know the truth about vaping, it doesn’t seem all that scary, does it?. Remember: vaping is all about harm reduction, and it’s a huge step toward to improving your health and happiness. We always encourage people to do their own research, and as evidenced in this article, to be sure that the studies you’re reading are done with the intent to inform and nothing else. If you think we may have missed an important myth, please let us know!

Thanks for reading! For more helpful articles and vape tutorials, Click Here to visit ZampleBox Vape School


Jun 22nd 2022


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